Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ahhhh love.... I mean music!

First off, I'd like to punch that ice storm we got the other day in the nose! Our car was covered in at thick layer of ice and I was trying to get the door open to put Emma in and instead of the ice breaking and falling off it just pushed into my skin. Now I have a hole in my thumb that hurts like... well.. it just hurts! 

My friend Morgan couldn't find out what she is having because the little one was not co-operating and the tech couldn't tell. She is a much better person than me, because I wouldn't take that for an answer when I was there and made the woman keep trying until I could see some evidence of a gender. However, through all that she and her husband have decided to keep it a surprise.. again better person than me, I'm a basket case and need to plan everything out a head of time, I'm not the surprise type of girl. lol But I am excited not only to hear 'MORGAN HAD HER BABY...' but also '....AND IT'S A _____!!!' 

So I am in love... no not with my husband, well, yes with him.. but I mean besides him. And it's not even with a person. It's with his talent. Oh, I just melt! I don't usually watch American Idol because I find whoever they pick to be in the top how ever many... they change them into what they want them to look/be like. I hate that! IT's not about a 'look' it's about the talent. However.... Nick was watching it while I was making dinner and he called me in to hear this guy... pretty good lookin' fella! Ju'Not Joyner! Odd name... didn't think anything of it... UNTIL HE OPEN HIS MOUTH!! Oh my goodness! My kitchen could have caught aflame and I would have still been in heaven! Albeit a very hot heaven... but heaven none the less! I was instantly in love. What a voice, what soul!!! So of course.. I had to you tube him. And I found videos of his own stuff. AMAZING!!! Like AMAZING!! Seriously, go to youtube and look up 'I'm so Down' by him!! I love music anyways... I could live in music, I wish my life had music playing as I walked down the street, slept, everywhere I was. I play music, I write music, I sing music. And it's my biggest weakness! So I am careful to what I listen to, it is very influential to me. But Ju'Not is like my ear's dream come true! Ahhh! His lyrics are well written, and his arrangements are amazing! 

I'm suppose to talk about garbage for someone.... lol.... and I'm not sure how exactly. However, today is my section of the city's garbage removal day. The bags have been tied and tossed to the curb! Ouch! But glad it has come and gone. :) 

Time to re-organize my living room! 


1 comment:

  1. Hahaha...I'm NOT a better person than you! LOL! I'm actually surprised that I'm okay with not knowing because I got myself sooo worked up about knowing. I think it's partially because I won't have another ultrasound so we just don't have a way. And for some reason I feel really at peace about it. Dan's always been okay about not knowing...I was the one that REALLY wanted to know. Maybe it's God giving me peace about it all. He has a great way of doing that with situations, doesn't He?
