Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Emma is growing and changing so fast I don't even want to blink because I may miss something! I just can't get enough of her.

However, that said, I did get away from her. Sunday she spent the afternoon with her Grandparents (Crozier) while Nick & I went to a birthday party. I was constantly thinking about her, but only got Nick to call to check on her once. That's pretty good for me! Then Sunday night I went to the movies while Nick stayed home with her. I only called once before the movie started to see if things were ok, and then I was fine for the movie! I enjoyed being out and about, when I came home I enjoyed being with Emma even more & I was much more patient with her. Happy Mommy = Happy Baby!! :) 

Great news : Nick has got a new job!!! The one he wanted, with a major pay increase, and benefits! Whereas his present job is kind of a dead end. Yay, Congrats babe! 

Tomorrow Emma & I are going to a Baby and Momma Parenting class. It goes for 12 weeks and teaches you how to finance better, plan better, find time for you, etc. Should be interesting! I'll update afterwards about it. 

She is sleeping in my arm so I better go put her into bed for her nap. 


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to enjoy your time away from her! I believe it's important. Just like now that Dan and I are both working we enjoy our days off together more. Where is Nick working now?
