Thursday, February 19, 2009


Yesterday was a great day for me, despite how much pain I was in from my latest cold! Emma was laughing at me. This is a big deal because last time she laughed it was by accident. She didn't realize what she was doing. This time I just kept coughing and each time I did Emma would bust into the cutest laugh ever! I got it on camera, thank goodness, because Nick has yet to hear her!

Last evening we went to go see Emma's great grandmother for her 90th birthday. It was a nice visit, we had chinese and pineapple angel food cake. Yum! Imagine living to be 90, I honestly don't think I want to, but the memories in reserve would be intense. Especially in the last 90 years. Going from no t.v, computer, microwave, cell phone, etc to the vast amount of technology that is at our finger tips is extraordinary! Not to mention two world wars, two depressions and a growing medical science field that has exploded in the last 20 years! But then again so have diseases. I also think it is kind of sad to live for 90 years. Think of all the friends and family you would have had to say goodbye to as they pass away one by one leaving you more lonely. Sure you have the family and few friends that are here, but the ones who relate to what you've been through and seen are not. I think that would be a great loneliness! 

Today we are having a blizzard! I love it!! It makes in side that much cozier (is that a word?). So Emma and I are cuddling in bed playing while Nick is at work. Everything is cancelled and work places are closing down, so for much of the city it is a snow day!

In Ottawa today we are hosting a visit from the U.S president Obama. So many people are so excited and the security has been drastically increased for him, yet it has never been like this for any other authority figure's visit. Not even the Queen who is directly related to the Canadian government. Obama, not so much! I don't buy into all his promises and innocent misdemeanor. We will see what happens over the next few years. And what is the whole 'New World Order' he keeps talking about? 

I just had a thought, I could use a new pair of shoes and a purse! I'll have to look into that! ;)


1 comment:

  1. i'm so happy you have a blog i can follow! i know we communicate fairly regularly on the site, but blogs are just a little more personal, and after all we've been through together, it's nice to get to know you a little better!
