Friday, February 20, 2009


I feel absolutely horrible!! Because I nurse Emma I can't take any good medications, apparently the cold & sinus medicine decreases your milk supply by 30%! I don't need that at all! So hopefully drinking DanActive, OJ & my daily dose of vitamins... I will get over this quickly! (I hope!) And I just PRAY that Emma does not catch it!! Oh my goodness, I can't handle her being sick, it terrifies me! I'm sick enough for the both of us! :( 

I do have to applaud Lisa's craving for chinese food though. Very influential to that husband of mine, keep the good ideas posting on Facebook!! The chinese was GREAT! lol Although, not so much for the waist line ;) 

I'm getting my hair cut on Sunday.. I'm pretty excited since I have had the same hair cut for a while... and now that it is all falling out anyways, might as well make the pieces laying around EVERYTHING a lot smaller! 

My friend Ashley had her baby girl Lauren yesterday, I'm so happy for her and Scott! Big Congrats!!  Now I am just waiting to hear what Morgan and Dan are having!! That should be very soon! And I am SO happy Morgan has the SAME Dr. I had while I was in Ontario! Go Dr. T! Seriously, THE best Dr.. Other than that, all my other prego friends are in the later stages of the game. 

Alright it is 9:50pm and I just want to curl up in bed and watch a I will!! 


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