Monday, February 23, 2009

Snow Day

This weekend was painful! Everything from my glands to my head felt swollen and on fire! Thank goodness Nick was able to be home so much, it was nice to be able to relax without having to worry about Emma! Now I just keep praying Emma won't catch whatever it was I caught! 

Other than that I pretty much stayed in all weekend, except for a bit on Sunday I went to get my hair cut and I LOVE it! I'll have to post some pics. Way easier to do than long hair.. plus I mean you can only have long hair for so long before it gets old and that time was clearly here! Now to get my butt in a tanning bed. Too bad there wasn't a baby and me tanning bed. lol JUST joking! 

Emma has officially found her feet and LOVES to play with them, they are always in the air! Not quite to her mouth yet.. which is fine with me. She is also working on her rolling over skills. I think she forgot how for a while! 

Today all the colleges and universities are closed down so I got to sleep in a bit with both Emma and Nick. And then I was able to have some sleep by myself (Thanks Nick!!) 

That's about it, pretty boring for a weekend but now I am very rested! 

I can't believe Emma will be 15 weeks tomorrow!! YIKES!


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